
In the annals of history, certain enigmatic societies have captured the imagination of many. One such group is the Vril Society, a clandestine organization that flourished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This secret society, which gained notoriety for its purported connection to esoteric knowledge and hidden technologies, has been the subject of much speculation and curiosity. In this blog post, we shall embark on a journey to delve into the mysterious world of the Vril Society, exploring its origins, beliefs, notable figures, and lasting impact.

Origins and Historical Context

The roots of the Vril Society can be traced back to the late 19th century, in the twilight years of the German Empire. During this era, Europe witnessed a surge of interest in occultism, esoteric doctrines, and alternative spiritual movements. The prevailing zeitgeist was characterized by a thirst for hidden knowledge and the exploration of uncharted realms beyond the physical world. Against this backdrop, the Vril Society emerged as an influential force, blending occult teachings, scientific speculation, and nationalist sentiments.

Founded in the early 20th century, the Vril Society was a secretive group of individuals who sought to harness the mystical energy known as “Vril.” This concept, derived from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 novel “Vril: The Power of the Coming Race,” described a powerful life force that could be channeled for various purposes. Inspired by Bulwer-Lytton’s fictional account, the Vril Society believed that the Vril energy could enable them to access hidden knowledge, achieve superhuman abilities, and even interact with extraterrestrial beings.

Beliefs and Practices

The core beliefs of the Vril Society revolved around a mixture of esotericism, occultism, and Germanic mythology. They viewed the Vril energy as a potent force, capable of unlocking hidden truths and transforming human potential. Central to their doctrine was the concept of a “Master Race” or “Aryan Race,” a notion popularized during the rise of German nationalism.

According to the Vril Society, the Aryan Race possessed innate spiritual qualities and superior physical attributes, making them the rightful rulers of the world. They believed that by tapping into the Vril energy, they could harness the latent powers of the Aryan Race and propel Germany to a position of global dominance.

The Vril Society engaged in various mystical and ritualistic practices to unlock the potential of the Vril energy. These rituals involved meditation, visualization, and the use of ancient symbols and sigils. Members purportedly trained themselves in telepathy, astral projection, and other psychic abilities in an attempt to connect with the Vril energy and its cosmic source.

Notable Figures

One prominent figure associated with the Vril Society was Maria Orsitsch, often referred to as Maria Orsic. She was a medium and the alleged channeler of Vril messages. Orsic claimed to receive detailed instructions from extraterrestrial beings hailing from the Aldebaran star system, providing blueprints for advanced technologies and prophecies about the future.

Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a prominent occultist and founder of the Thule Society, is also believed to have had connections with the Vril Society. The Thule Society, which was closely associated with the early development of the Nazi Party, shared similar occult beliefs and interests with the Vril Society, further intertwining their histories.

The Vril Society and Nazi Germany

The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party significantly impacted the trajectory of the Vril Society. Some members of the Vril Society, including Maria Orsic, were believed to have

sympathized with the Nazi ideology. Their beliefs aligned with the Nazi’s Aryan supremacy doctrine and their vision for a utopian society.

However, the extent of the Vril Society’s influence on the Nazi regime remains a subject of debate among historians. While it is evident that certain individuals associated with the Vril Society had connections to the Nazi Party, the precise nature of their involvement and the extent to which their beliefs influenced Nazi policies are matters of conjecture and speculation.

Legacy and Ongoing Speculation

Following the end of World War II, the Vril Society faded into obscurity, and its exact fate remains uncertain. Nevertheless, its enigmatic legacy continues to captivate the minds of researchers, conspiracy theorists, and enthusiasts of the occult. The concept of Vril, often portrayed as a powerful force hidden from mainstream knowledge, has found its way into various works of fiction and popular culture.

In recent years, the Vril Society has become a subject of renewed interest and speculation, fueled by conspiracy theories linking them to secret technology, extraterrestrial contact, and covert operations. However, it is crucial to approach these claims with skepticism and critical thinking, as separating fact from fiction can be challenging in the realm of secret societies and hidden knowledge.


The Vril Society stands as a fascinating testament to the allure of secret societies and their role in shaping history. While much remains shrouded in mystery and ambiguity, their beliefs, practices, and alleged connections to Nazi Germany continue to pique curiosity and spark intellectual discourse.

By exploring the origins, beliefs, notable figures, and lasting impact of the Vril Society, we have embarked on a journey through the fascinating undercurrents of esotericism and the pursuit of hidden knowledge. The enigma surrounding the Vril Society serves as a reminder of humanity’s enduring fascination with the unknown and the quest for transcendence beyond the confines of ordinary existence.